Tony Wheatley - Founder
Kim Wheatley - President
Robert Waters - Vice president
Constitutional Kentucky, founded in 2019, is committed to preserving the integrity of the United States and Kentucky Constitutions as they were written, and will not stand for any unlawful violation or modifiction of these documents. To accomplish this, our volunteers will be working diligently to reintroduce the Constitution to classrooms as well as promoting those education facilities who strive to achieve the highest success for all students, no matter their race, creed, or political affiliation.
To-date, we have distributed 20,000 pocket Constitutions as we work within our communities to educate people about their Constitutional rights and how they are personally affected by unlawful infringements. Finally, we help to elect, and hold accountable, legislators who will uphold their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. In addition, we pursue legal action against any unconstitutional bills and executive orders.